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Our Strategic Planning 

Our congregational survey is now live

Reflect With Us on Where God is Calling Us Next

Hello, First Presbyterian,


We are in a very exciting moment in the life of our congregation. We are fully staffed with an incredible team, we have strong committees and officer boards experimenting with new forms of ministry and outreach, and our community partnerships and mission work continue to grow, such as with our new community garden partnership with the Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing (more on that soon). 


Because of all of that excitement and growth, our church’s session

has decided to spend time this fall and the following year focused

on strategic planning. Over the next year and a half, we’ll engage in

a three-step process of listening, learning, and dreaming together

about the future of our church. We’ll begin with macro-level surveys

and analyses, move toward micro-level listening sessions with

congregation and community members, and then summarize our

observations in a series of presentations and a final report. 


We want you to be part of that planning process. That’s why the

administration committee is hosting two informational sessions on

our strategic planning process. We’ll meet immediately after

worship on Sunday, September 15 at 12:30 pm in room 103 and

before worship (at 9:45 am) on Sunday, October 13 in room 103 to

discuss the timelines, process, and rationale behind our strategic

planning process. Most importantly, however, we’ll have information about how you can be involved throughout the planning process. We want as many people as possible to be involved in the surveys, small groups, and listening sessions that will help us discern where God is calling us to focus our attention as congregation. 


Toward that aim, you’ll be able to follow along with our strategic planning journey on our website by visiting


I hope that you’ll join us this fall for these conversations as we begin this important work together. 



Pastor Billy

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Want to be part of the strategic planning team?

Send us a message below and our administration committee will be in touch about next steps. 

Thanks for submitting!

Timeline and Key Dates

  • Building our team

    • Congregational informational sessions - September and October 2024

    • Administration committee nominates strategic planning team

    • Commissioning of strategic planning team during worship - fall 2024

  • Macro-level data collection

    • Financial and stewardship analysis - August and September 2024

      • Reporting process has begun​

    • Informational sessions for congregation - September 15 and October 13, 2024

    • Applications open for strategic planning team - September 2024

    • Congregational survey - October and November 2024

    • Commission strategic planning team in worship - November 2024

  • Micro-level data collection

    • Strategic planning team begins meeting with strategic planning consultant, Rev. Sarai Rice - January 2025

    • Congregational listening sessions begin - spring 2025

    • Community listening sessions/interviews begin - summer 2025

  • Writing, reporting, implementing

    • Strategic planning team begins reviewing/analyzing data and writing report - August 2025

    • Present final report to session - December 2025

    • Congregational presentations and discussion - beginning in January 2026

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