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Church Small Groups


Men's Prayer Group

Men of all ages are invited to this monthly prayer group. We'll meet on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm in Pastor Billy's office (first floor of the education building). Reach out to Scott LaGanga or Pastor Billy for more information. 


Church Ladies Book Club

This group gathers on the fourth Monday evening of the month for a light potluck meal and to discuss a book chosen by one of the group members.


The group is always open to newcomers and to those who haven't finished the book! For information about the group please contact Martha Taylor at


Women's Small Group

Hanna Eun leads our women's small group. Email to learn more.


Young Adult Group

Young adults (ages 18-40) are a vital part of our community at First Presbyterian Church. We gather regularly for fellowship, prayer, and to care for one another.  Learn more about upcoming events for young adults at First Presbyterian Church here.​​


Wednesday Morning Bible Study

8 am to 9 am on Zoom — Would you like the opportunity to explore the Bible with a small group? Everyone is welcome at this weekly online Bible study gathering led by Pastor Billy and church members. We'll look at upcoming Lectionary passages (the assigned readings for worship each week) and pay particular attention to the Scripture readings that will not be used for sermons during worship at First Presbyterian (and how they intersect with the chosen sermon texts). (Zoom login information is in each Weekly Word email; please email the Church Office to join.)


Van Go Lunches

Van Go is a fellowship group of adults that carpools to local restaurants for lunch on the third Thursday of each month. Contact: Ruth Garfield at


Evening Small Groups

Pastor Billy leads seasonal small groups on weekday evenings connected to our current Sunday morning worship series. These 4-6 week groups allow for deeper exploration of the themes from Sunday morning worship, more intimate relationship building, and a strong support group for participants. Email to learn when the next evening small group begins and how to sign-up.


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