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Donate Online

Thank you for considering a donation to First Presbyterian Church. Your financial contribution directly leads to our vibrant worship and music, maintenance of the beautiful building and grounds, outstanding and thought-provoking Christian education programs, and devoted mission outreach to our local community and the world beyond. Blessings always to you. 


We are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and your gifts to First Presbyterian are tax deductible.

Donations Through Your Bank's Bill Pay System:

You may donate through your bank’s bill payment system. Just add First Presbyterian church as a new payee. Provide the bank with the church’s name and address, First Presbyterian Church, 601 N. Vermont Street, Arlington, VA, 22203, and the bank will send the church the amount you choose to donate.


Donations By Mail:

You may also donate by check made payable to First Presbyterian Church, sent to 601 N. Vermont Street, Arlington, VA, 22203.

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