Adult Education and Spiritual Growth
"As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving." (Colossians 2:6)

Adult Spiritual Growth classes are held most Sundays
at 9:45 am in the Cindy Bolbach Meeting Room (#103).
Please join us!
Six Great Ends of the Church | Sundays, 9:45 am to 10:45 am, in the Cindy Bolbach Meeting Room (#103)
Start the year out by learning more about the Six Great Ends of the Church – our purpose and goals!
Join us for this adult study series that will enhance your understanding of what we are called to do as a Christian Church. We are using a series of short videos and Biblical references to enhance our learning. What did Jesus ask of us? What does Scripture tell us? How are we living this in our life through First Presbyterian? These are some of the things we’re pondering and discussing. This series will run through February 16, 2025.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study 8:00 am to 9:00 am on Zoom — Would you like the opportunity to explore the Bible with a small group? Everyone is welcome at this weekly online Bible study gathering led by Pastor Billy and church members. We'll look at upcoming Lectionary passages (the assigned readings for worship each week) and pay particular attention to the Scripture readings that will not be used for sermons during worship at First Presbyterian (and how they intersect with the chosen sermon texts).
Zoom login information is in each Weekly Word email.

First Presbyterian Church is a Sponsor of The Reformed Institute of Metropolitan Washington
In 2013, First Presbyterian Church became a sponsoring member of the Reformed Institute of Metropolitan Washington (RI). The RI is an organization that was established in 2003 "to promote understanding and awareness of the Reformed Tradition among the staff and members of Presbyterian churches located in the Washington area." Its purpose is to help the churches in this presbytery live up to one of the basic principles of the Reformed Tradition – to ensure an educated laity.
FPC Arlington has benefitted from many of the RI programs – the Confirmation Retreat, many of its classes, the annual convocation, and its Company of Teachers. As a sponsoring church of the Reformed Institute, First Presbyterian members are invited to participate in all of the RI adult education programs. RI offers half-day, one day or short series adult education formats during the year for sponsoring church members.
One member of our staff and a member of our congregation serve on the Board of Directors. As members of the Board of Directors, we are involved in determining the programs that are offered, development activities, staffing decisions, etc. We are expected to actively support the programs of the Institute by encouraging our members, friends, and community to participate in their offerings, and to take the things we learn and put them to use in our own congregation.
For more information on the Reformed Institute, visit their website at: