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Introducing Hannah Day Donoghue, our new Director of Children's and Youth Ministries

The Session of First Presbyterian Church is thrilled

to welcome Hannah Day Donoghue (she/her) to our

congregation as our new Director of Children’s and

Youth Ministry!











Hannah comes to us from Trinity United Methodist

Church in Alexandria, VA. For 4+ years she served as

the Program Director there, overseeing children,

youth and adult formation ministries, community

outreach/engagement and missions. While at Trinity

UMC she experienced God’s work in growing that

ministry from 10 to 50 youth and from 0 adult

volunteers to over 20 regularly involved as

teachers, faith friends, youth group leaders, and

service project leaders.


Previously, she was a PC(USA) Young Adult

Volunteer working at the Br. David Darst Center, a

Chicago-based Catholic retreat center, where she

planned and led social justice immersion retreats

for middle school through college age students.

Hannah officially joined us on Sunday, November

26, 2023.

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